Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2018 arrow April 2018

Top Quick Women Age 50 and Over April 2018

1Marinello, Beatriz (12537449)53NYUSA2106
2Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)77NYUSA1890
3Morris, Michelle A (10266670)65OHUSA1856
4Dimitrijevic, Vesna (12436451)66MAUSA1819
5Christiansen, Natasha C (11366805)56MAUSA1723
6Alarie, Donna (12447542)61MAUSA1686
7Naylor, Carla (11178464)51VAUSA1675
8O'Neill, Julia (10457262)69TXUSA1624
9Wright, Polly P (11041957)63NYUSA1618
10Gasser, Katharine B (10010411)70MAUSA1550
11Carson, Anthea Jane (12614322)53CAUSA1516
12Hodgson, Valerie (11441769)64ALUSA1508
13Harrison, Eva C (14922272)51ILUSA1490
14Yavarone, Catherine (12927252)61VTUSA1468
15Zelner, Catherine, Dr (12568602)58FLUSA1400
16Nunn, Amy C (12519934)59KYUSA1384
17Bilyeu, Suzanne (12503489)64NYUSA1348
18Childress, Carmen (12800992)60CAUSA1258
19Hoffman, Sandra R (10318033)70WIUSA1203
20Leung, Florence (12558126)66NYUSA1161
21Davies, Ann (12708563)61COUSA1147
22Mc Intosh, Helene (13003526)71NYUSA1128
23Martin, Jacqueline (14726531)54NJUSA1092
24Boyd, Karen (15632935)52GAUSA1074
25Jamison, Helen (12779010)61TXUSA1072
26Woolsey, Beverly (12493822)79CAUSA1068
27D'Aquin, Leila A (14194534)56LAUSA1017
28Herman, Shirley (14812654)58COUSA975
29Thorpe, Maret (13483913)55ILUSA970
30Otterbach, Renate (14565208)62CAUSA950
31Ruff, Lois Amelia (12559533)82WAUSA924
32Clayton, Stephanie (13863430)57KYUSA902
33Brosky, Debra A (12588700)64OHUSA807
34Rosenfeld, Ellen (14530396)58NCUSA806
35Simonds, Judy J (13745435)57CTUSA770
36Jenkins, Janice Elaine (16175144)59MAUSA733
37Baesler, Mary Elizabeth (16106821)55VAUSA706
38Morin, Lois (14239936)84MEUSA697
39Giknis, Samantha M (14661711)53AZUSA662
40Havens, Cheryl (15925005)51VAUSA392
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
